SMLR is committed to being a welcoming place that values and promotes diversity, provides equitable access to all, and provides an affirming environment for all faculty, staff, and students.
We are united in our pursuit to be a place where we can all thrive in our work, our learning, and feel a sense of respect and belonging.
Recognizing Our Lifelong Learning in Inclusive & Equitable Teaching Badge Earners
Congratulations to the SMLR faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to inclusive teaching by earning the Level 1 and Level 2 badges!
View the list here: https://otear.rutgers.edu/workshops/inclusivitybadgeawardees
In spring of 2021, a committee undertook a review of SMLR's current state relative to Rutgers University's strategic priorities related to DEI. The result was a 3-year DEI strategic plan for SMLR.
Check out our courses on diversity, equity, and inclusion offered through SMLR!
A committee has been established within the School of Management and Labor Relations to support and strengthen ongoing efforts to create an inclusive environment within our faculty and staff communities.
Check out these resources for easy-to-implement practices to make your class more inclusive
Rutgers University Resources
The Division of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement at Rutgers offers resources for faculty, staff, and students:
- Becoming Anti-Racist Resource List - A list of articles, books, videos, and podcasts on the following topics: Understand How Race Shapes Experiences in Higher Education, Understand How Race Shapes Experiences in the Workplace, Understand Allyship, and Understand How Anti-Black Racism Shapes American Society
- Self-Directed Learning - LinkedIn Learning Paths provide clustered content on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for All; Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging for Leaders and Managers; and Become an Inclusive Leader.
- Bias and Crisis Support - Information and support resources for reporting a bias incident and for reporting a Title IX incident
DEI In the News: SMLR's Faculty and Staff Share their Research and Expertise
View a list of SMLR faculty and staff news stories and articles on diversity, inclusive leadership, and racial justice within the workplace
Our Commitment to a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Community
- Message from Dean Eaton to SMLR Faculty and Staff, August 26, 2021
- Message from Dean Eaton to SMLR Students, Alumni, and Supporters, June 5, 2020
- Message from Dean Eaton to SMLR Faculty and Staff, June 1, 2020
Our Commitment to a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Community
We seek to influence the world beyond Rutgers in promoting just and effective practices in the workplace and beyond. We are proud of being a school that successfully educates and mentors a diverse array of students including many who are first generation college attenders. Creating a culture that demonstrates our values is essential to our ability to work together to develop curricula, govern ourselves, create knowledge and plan for the future. Finally, as many advocates and experts in this area affirm, inclusion is not a destination or a goal that can be reached, but rather a process where we all continue to work to improve our own behavior and to break down institutional barriers."
— Message from Dean Adrienne E. Eaton to the SMLR Community, April 2019