We are glad to have you as a member of the SMLR community!
Below you will find a list of resources to assist you in your academic pursuits and daily life as a valued member of our school and university community.
Caring for Our Community
Rutgers–New Brunswick values each community member’s unique perspectives, which enrich our campus culture. We are committed to free speech, academic freedom, and civil discourse—and the right of all in our community to safely learn, teach, and carry on the university’s essential work.
Visit the website to learn more about:
- DEI education and training
- Free expression at Rutgers
- Opportunities for dialogue and engagement
- Student support and well-being resources
> Click here for more information and to access resources for students
Rutgers Resources for Student Success
Rutgers resources to ensure you have the foundation in place to be successful. Explore these resources for financial assistance, to meet your academic needs, stay healthy, and be safe.
Students may experience unique challenges as they progress through their academic careers. If you need support in one of the following areas, we encourage you to utilize the following resources:
- Victim and Mental Health Support
- Academic Support
- Financial Emergency Support
- Requests for emergency assistance support should be directed to the Dean of Students
- Diversity Education Network
- Rutgers LinkedIn Learning
- How to Engage Meaningfully in Allyship and Anti-Racism
Division of Student Affairs
Advising / Student Services
Undergraduate Programs
- Human Resource Management (HRM) Undergraduate Programs
Grace Tien (stien@smlr.rutgers.edu)
Joy Montuoro (montuoro@smlr.rutgers.edu) - Labor Studies and Employment Relations (LSER) Undergraduate Programs
Anuja Rivera (anujab@smlr.rutgers.edu)
Bill Bailey (william.bailey@rutgers.edu)
Graduate Programs
- Master’s in Human Resource Management (MHRM) Program
Rebecca Tinkham (tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu) - Online Professional Master's in Human Resource Management (MHRM) Program
Allison Kushner (allison.kushner@rutgers.edu) - Master’s in Labor and Employment Relations (MLER) Program
Ann Marie Fiorella-Mullen (amf322@smlr.rutgers.edu) - Online Professional Master’s in Labor and Employment Relations (MLER) Program
Ann Marie Fiorella-Mullen (amf322@smlr.rutgers.edu) - Ph.D. in Industrial Relations & Human Resources
Danielle Vroom (dvroom@smlr.rutgers.edu)
SMLR Career Services Webpage
James B. Carey Library Webpage
Academic Integrity
- Undergraduate HRM: Julie Peters at jpeters@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-9608
- MHRM Program: Dave Ferio at ferio@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-0862
- Undergraduate LSER: Paula Voos at pbvoos@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-1748
- MLER Program: Francis Ryan at fr156@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-0303
Graduation Qualifications and Credit Verifications
- Undergraduate HRM: Shuenn "Grace" Tien at stien@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-9434
- MHRM Program: Rebecca Tinkham at tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-5969
- Undergraduate LSER: Anuja Rivera at anujab@smlr.rutgers.edu or 849-932-1749
- MLER Program: Ann Marie Fiorella-Mullen at amf322@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-5582
Interruption of Enrollment Due to Adverse Events
For undergraduate students enrolled in the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences and are undergraduate majors in HRM or LSER, please contact the School of Arts and Sciences’ Office of Academic Services.
For undergraduate students who are enrolled in the School of Management and Labor Relations B.S. in Labor and Employment Relations Program only, please complete this form.
Issues / Complaints about Instructors or Faculty Members
- Undergraduate HRM: Ryan Greenbaum at ryan.greenbaum@rutgers.edu or 848-445-4528
- MHRM Program: Dave Ferio at ferio@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-0862
- Undergraduate LSER: Paula Voos at pbvoos@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-1748
- MLER Program: Francis Ryan at fr156@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-0303
Grade Challenges / Grade Complaints
For first stages of grade disputes, follow the steps outlined on the SMLR Grade Challenge Form.
Request for Waiver
- MHRM Program: Rebecca Tinkham at tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-5969
- Undergraduate LSER: Anuja Rivera at anujab@smlr.rutgers.edu or 849-932-1749
- MLER Program: Ann Marie Fiorella-Mullen at amf322@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-5582
Special Permission Requests
- Undergraduate HRM: Grace Tien at stien@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-9434
- MHRM program: Rebecca Tinkham at tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-445-5969
- Undergraduate LSER: Anuja Rivera at anujab@smlr.rutgers.edu or 849-932-1749
- MLER Program: Ann Marie Fiorella-Mullen at amf322@smlr.rutgers.edu or 848-932-5582
Tuition and Fees for SMLR Programs
Visit our Tuition and Fees page for information specific to SMLR undergraduate and graduate courses of study.
- MHRM Curriculum Checklist
- MHRM Course Waiver Application
- MHRM Independent Study Policy
- MHRM Request for Transfer of Credit
- Forms for International Students - RU Global Office
- Apply for CPT/OPT
- Other forms for international students
(Extension of Program, Reduced Credit, Employment)
Undergraduate HRM Checklists
- MLER Degree Candidacy Form
- MLER Degree Candidacy Form – Fully Online Program
- Forms for International Students RU Global Office
- Apply for CPT/OPT
- Other forms for international students
(Extension of Program, Reduced Credit, Employment)
Forms for Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Labor and Employment Relations
- First Things First Checklist
- Academic Amnesty
- Class Year/Graduation Date Change
- Diploma Application
- Internship Approval
- Major/Minor/Certificate Declaration or Removals
- Pass/No Credit Request Form
- Perspectives on Labor Studies Course - Essay Requirements
- Re-enrollment Application
- Resume Upload Form
- School-to-School Transfer Application
- Transfer Course Dept. Evaluation Request
- Transfer Course Preapproval
- Transfer Evaluation Appeals
- Withdrawal from School
- Rutgers University COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Students
- Office of Disability Services
- Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities
- Graduate Student Academic Calendar
- University Academic Calendar
- Web Registration
- Rutgers Schedule of Classes
- University Code of Student Conduct Office
- Academic Integrity
- Transcript Requests
- Rutgers Student Tech Guide
- Creating a NetID and changing your password
- RU Global Office
- Apply for CPT/OPT
- Other forms for international students
(Extension of Program, Reduced Credit, Employment)