School of Management and Labor Relations
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Jersey Mike's Arena
> Click here to view the video replay of our Convocation Ceremony
> Click here to access photos from our Convocation Ceremony
Questions? Email convocation@smlr.rutgers.edu for assistance.
Information about SMLR's Convocation Ceremony
Congratulations, SMLR graduates! This is an exciting time, but please make sure to plan ahead so you can truly enjoy it. Here are some tips to make your SMLR Convocation day go smoothly!
- Check-in starts at 2:00pm. Please arrive no later than 2:30pm. Procession starts sharply at 3:00pm.
- Come dressed in your academic regalia (cap, gown, and hood), which is required for participation in the SMLR Convocation - no exceptions.
- Wear comfortable shoes as you’ll be walking and standing for a long duration. You’ll want to be comfortable!
- Be prepared to pass through security before entering Jersey Mike’s Arena. There is a bag check. Those with oversized bags or prohibited items may be directed to return such items to their vehicle. Backpacks and large bags/purses are not permitted.
- Parking is available in the Green Lot and Yellow Lot behind Jersey Mike's Arena. Handicap spaces are on a first-come, first-serve basis. A limited shuttle service to and from the parking lots (Green & Yellow Lots) to Jersey Mike’s Arena will be available.
- Our ceremony will be livestreamed on the school's YouTube channel. The link will be available in early May and posted on this webpage.
Download this PDF for student information about the SMLR Convocation on Saturday, May 13th at Jersey Mike's Arena on the Rutgers Livingston Campus. A floor plan of the arena is included in this document.
For the SMLR Convocation ceremony on Saturday, May 13 at Jersey Mike's Arena:
Jersey Mike's Arena is located at 83 Rockafeller Road in Piscataway, NJ, on the Rutgers-New Brunswick Livingston Campus. Click here for directions.
No special parking tags are needed. Follow directions to Jersey Mike’s Arena on the Rutgers Livingston Campus. As you get close, signs and attendants will direct you to park. You may park in the Green and Yellow Lots behind the arena.
No guest tickets are required for the SMLR convocation on May 13, 2023. You may bring as many guests as you would like! All guests are subject to the current Rutgers University COVID-19 policies in effect as of the ceremony date.
The School of Management and Labor Relations Class of 2023 Convocation Ceremony was livestreamed on the school's YouTube channel.
A complete replay of the ceremony is available here:
Click on the links below to access the SMLR Class of 2023 Invitation
Click here to download a PDF of the SMLR Class of 2023 Convocation Program.
The Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) is proud to announce that Shiloh Butterworth, ‘15, Oregon Region Leader and Chief People Officer at PAE Consulting Engineers, will serve as the School of Management and Labor Relations 2023 Convocation Speaker.
We have partnered with Island Photography to photograph graduates at our ceremony. Images will be posted within 72 hours of the ceremony. You will receive an email with a link to review and purchase your photos. Purchase is optional. For questions, please contact Island Photography at 800-869-0908 or custserv@islandphoto.com.
Lors Photography is offering Senior Portrait Sessions at three remote off-campus locations in New Jersey (New Brunswick, Mount Laurel, and Toms River.) Lors can be contacted via their website or email to see what appointments they have available for Rutgers students.
Undergraduate regalia will be available to use for portraits.
Graduates who have guests coming from abroad and need a letter to accompany their visa application, please see information on the Rutgers Global website.
The deadline to personalize your graduation information on the MarchingOrder site has passed. If you missed this deadline, you are still able to attend the SMLR Convocation and we look forward to celebrating your accomplishment with you and your guests!
Please RSVP to attend via this link:
Our school convocation will honor all SMLR undergraduate and graduate students earning any of the following degrees in January, May or August 2023:
- Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management (BA HRM)*
- Bachelor of Arts in Labor Studies and Employment Relations (BA LSER) *
- Bachelor of Science in Labor and Employment Relations (BS LER)
- Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
- Master of Labor and Employment Relations (MLER)
* BA degrees are awarded by Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences and our majors are recognized at SMLR’s Convocation.
Note: Undergraduate students who need 12 credits or less to graduate and plan to enroll in the Summer 2023 session to complete these credits may be included in SMLR’s Convocation as expected August 2023 graduates. Inclusion in the convocation ceremony should not be construed as verification of graduation.
The SMLR Convocation will be held Saturday, May 13th at 3:00pm in Jersey Mike's Arena. During this school-specific ceremony, each individual graduate of the School of Management and Labor Relations will have their name called as they walk across the stage. Watch the video of last year's SMLR Convocation to see an example of our ceremony.
The 257th Anniversary Commencement will be held Sunday, May 14th at 10:00am in SHI Stadium and celebrates all members of the Class of 2023 from Rutgers–New Brunswick and Rutgers Biomedical & Health Sciences at one large event. Details about Commencement can be found here: commencement.rutgers.edu.
Important Student Information & Steps to Graduate
Step 1: Check your graduation date
Please check your graduation date to be sure it accurately reflects your degree completion through Degree Navigator. When you log in, you can see the date at the top right of the page in the box where your name, RUID, and NetID are listed.
If you need to change your graduation date and are a SMLR student (Bachelor of Science in Labor and Employment Relations), complete this form. If you are a School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) student (Bachelor of Arts, Human Resource Management major or Labor Studies and Employment Relations major), please contact your advisor at SAS Advising and Academic Services.
Step 2: Apply for your diploma
Don't forget to apply for your diploma as soon as possible for either May 2023 or August 2023. All students must complete this online process to graduate. May graduates have until May 15th to apply for their diploma. August graduates can complete the diploma application between April 15 – August 15. Click here to view all University deadlines for submission.
Please note: All 2023 Graduates wishing to have their name included in the SMLR Convocation program must have the correct graduation date on their record by April 1 regardless of their graduation month.
Step 3: Clear any financial obligations
To learn more about financial holds and loan exit counseling, visit the Student Accounting, Billing, and Cashier Services website. Students will not receive their diploma until all financial holds are cleared.
Information about honor awards
Departmental Honors
Bachelor students of the Human Resource Management program, Labor Studies and Employment Relations program, and Labor and Employment Relations program who achieve a 3.70 GPA or higher for coursework within their major will receive an excellence pin and a certificate upon graduation.
Latin Honors
The baccalaureate degree is conferred summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude for students achieving honors in the overall program of study at Rutgers University. All degree honors are determined by final cumulative GPA as listed below and are noted on the diploma and final transcript:
GPA Range |
Degree Honor |
3.850 - 4.000 |
summa cum laude |
3.700 - 3.849 |
magna cum laude |
3.500 - 3.699 |
cum laude |
Note: Averages are not rounded to the next higher number in the calculation of honors.
Students earning the Bachelor of Science in Labor and Employment Relations who achieve overall program honors of summa or magna cum laude will receive white cords from the School of Management and Labor Relations. The School of Arts and Sciences awards the honor cords for Bachelor of Arts students majoring in Human Resource Management and/or Labor Studies and Employment Relations.
Step 1: Submit your degree candidacy form
Submit your Degree Candidacy Form as soon as possible for either May 2023 or August 2023. All graduate students must complete this form to graduate.
- MLER program graduates: Complete and submit the MLER Degree Candidacy Form to laborstudies@smlr.rutgers.edu.
- MHRM program graduates: Complete and submit the MHRM Degree Candidacy Form to Rebecca Tinkham at tinkham@smlr.rutgers.edu.
- Online Professional MHRM program graduates: Contact Allison Kushner at allison.kushner@rutgers.edu for the degree candidacy form.
Step 2: Apply for your diploma
Don't forget to apply for your diploma as soon as possible. All students must complete this online process to graduate.
- SMLR Graduate Student Application Deadline for May 2023 graduates is April 1.
- SMLR Graduate Student Application Deadline for August 2023 graduates is August 15.
Please note: All 2023 Graduates wishing to have their name included in the SMLR Convocation program must apply for their diploma by April 1 regardless of their graduation month.
Step 3: Clear any financial obligations
To learn more about financial holds and loan exit counseling, visit the Student Accounting, Billing, and Cashier Services website. Students will not receive their diploma until all financial holds are cleared.
Information about Honor Awards
All SMLR master’s degree students achieving a 4.000 GPA within their program receive gold cords to adorn their regalia. Students who believe they are eligible for a cord should check their program records with their individual SMLR student counselor.
Academic Regalia for the 2023 SMLR Convocation ceremony and the 257th Anniversary Commencement is now available for purchase! Purchase online through https://rutgersnb1.shopoakhalli.com/purchasewizard/Welcome.
Ordering and delivery options:
- Order online and ship to home for an additional delivery charge. Ship to home ordering closes April 17.
- Purchase regalia in-store and pick up online orders (placed by February 28) at Barnes & Noble on Somerset Street beginning April 5.
A "Grad Fair" event will be held at Barnes & Noble on April 5 & 6 from 10am-6pm. Join in the festivities, come for a complimentary professional headshot, and meet with representatives for purchasing class rings, diploma frames, personalized announcements and more!
If you are a graduating student, please complete the post-graduation survey offered by Rutgers Career Exploration and Success. By completing the survey about your plans after graduation, you have an opportunity to be entered into a raffle to win your choice of a pair of Apple Air Pods or a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
Rutgers University–New Brunswick and
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Commencement
Sunday, May 14, 2023
SHI Stadium
Rutgers Busch Campus
President Jonathan Holloway will preside over the ceremony and formally confer the degrees of graduates and honorary degree recipients.
Visit the Commencement website
for complete details about this year's celebration.