Click on the Ph.D. student name listed in bold within the citation to view the individual's profile.
Kruse, D., Park, S. R., Rodgers, Y., & Schur, L. (2022) Disability and remote work during the pandemic with implications for cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 1-17.
Methot, J. R., Zaman, N. & Shim, H. (2022). Social Network Analysis in Organizations. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press.
Arnold, A., Fulmer, I.S., Sender, A., & Li, J. (2020). How does pay transparency affect pay knowledge and satisfaction? A field intervention study. Included in a symposium titled “Pay communication: Expanding conceptualizations and evidence.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Eaton, A. E., Givan, R. K., Townsend, P. I., Vinton, J. (2019) Frontline Managers in a Healthcare Partnership: The Case Study of Managerial Openness to Employee Union Involvement. Paper presented at the CRIMT Conference, Magog, Quebec.
Eaton, A. E., Givan, R. K., *Townsend, P. I., Vinton, J. (2019.) Managing Up and Down: The Role of Healthcare Middle Managers in Labor-Management Partnership. Paper presented at the Labor and Employment Relations Association Conference, Cleveland, OH
Fan, X., & Sturman, M. C. (2019). Has Higher Education Solved the Problem? Examining the Gender Wage Gap of Recent College Graduates Entering the Workplace. Compensation & Benefits Review, 51(1), 5-12.
Fan, X., Son, J., & Ghorbani, M. (2019). You're Educated, Now What? Long-term Effect of Education on Economic, Psychological, and Physical Well-Being of Women in South Korea and the U.S. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, U.S.
Fine, J., Victor N., & Barnes, J. “Understanding Worker Center Trajectories.” In Janice Fine, Linda Burnham, Kati Griffith, Minsun Ji, Victor Narro, and Steven Pitts (eds.), No One Size Fits All: Worker Organization, Policy, and Movement in a New Economic Age (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
Fulmer, I.S., Chen, Y., & Li, J. (In press). Strategic idiosyncratic deals (I-Deals) policy: Individually negotiated arrangements as an alternative approach for delivering customized benefits. Journal of Total Rewards.
Han, J., Gong, H., & Pan, Y. (2020, August). Falling down or bouncing back: A two-stage and dual-path model of organizational learning process after failure. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Haviland S., Van Noy, M., Kuang, L., Vinton, J., Pardalis, N. (2018) “Evaluation of Clark State Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing to Compete in a Global Economy (AMCGE) Training Program: Final Report.” Education and Employment Research Center, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
Haviland, S.B., Van Noy, M., Kuang, L., Vinton, J., Pardalis, N. (2018) “Evaluation of Clark State Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing to Compete in a Global Economy (AMCGE) Training Program: Interim Report #2.” Education and Employment Research Center, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
Haviland, S.B., Van Noy, M., Kuang, L., Vinton, J., Pardalis, N. (2018) “Evaluation of Richland College’s Veterans-Focused Engineering Technology Project: Final Report.” Education and Employment Research Center, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
Jackson, S. E., Jiang, Y., Shim, H., et al., Collectivism and the Social Dynamics of Discretionary Environmental Behavior at Work. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2019
Jackson, S. E., & Shim, H. Integrating Sustainability into Research and Teaching: An Optimistic View. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Research Workshop, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, October 2015.
Kim, J. (in press). Democratic spillover from workplace into politics: What are we measuring and how? Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 26.
Kim, J. Does participation in a workplace spill over into political participation? A perspective on the role of shared capitalism [Conference presentation]. Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) 71st Annual Meeting 2019, Cleveland, OH, USA. International Labor Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress 2018, Seoul, Korea. Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) 30th Annual Conference, 2018, Kyoto, Japan. The Beyster Symposium, 2017, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Kim, J. What democracy? A review of the definition and measurement of workplace democracy and participation in empirical studies on Carole Pateman’s spillover thesis [Conference presentation]. LERA 72nd Annual Meeting 2020 (virtual). Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) 56th Conference, 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
Kim. J. (2019, January 11-12). The design of the group incentives and the free-rider problem [Conference presentation]. The Mid-Year Fellows Workshop in Honor of Louis O. Kelso, 2019, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
Kim. J. (2017, June 1-4). The impact of employee ownership for low and moderate income employees and their families [Conference presentation]. LERA 69th Annual Meeting, 2017, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Kim. J. (2020, January 22-23). Organizational justice perspective on Employee Ownership: Does ownership thinking help stop free-riding? [Conference presentation]. The Beyster Symposium (virtual).
Kim. J. (2019, June 3-4). Data and employee ownership: Scientific knowledge, it IS your business [Conference presentation]. Canadian Employee Ownership Conference, June 2019, Toronto, Canada.
Kim, J. & Pinto, S. What do unions do to shared ownership? Exploring the interaction effect of shared capitalism and unions on employee outcomes [Conference presentation]. SASE 31st Annual Conference, 2019, New York, NY, USA. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) 2019 Regional Student Conference, 2019, Washington, DC, USA. The Mid-Year Fellows Workshop in Honor of Louis O. Kelso, 2018, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
Kruse, D., Blasi, Castellano, B. Weltmann, D. Kang, S., & Kim, J. Do Employee Share Owners Face Too Much Financial Risk? Conditional acceptance at ILR Review.
Liu, X., Zhang, B., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Leveraging organizational tenure to improve service performance: the role of relational coordination among frontline service workers in China. Asia Pacific Business Review, 1-20.
Methot, J. R., Shim, H., & Levin, D. How a misalignment in cognitive social structures of friendship networks can induce feelings of workplace loneliness. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 2019
Pan, Y. Liu, M., & Han, J. (2020, June). The Effects of Variable Employment Arrangements on the Sales Performance in China’s Retail Industry. Paper presented at the 2020 Labor and Employment Relations Association Annual Meeting.
Shim, H., Fan, X., Sturman, M. C., & Brown, M. P. More Than Just a Market: How Changes in Pay Policy Affect Organizations' Operational and Financial Performance. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 2020.
Shim, H., Jackson, S. E., & Kim, A. Is My Organization Truly Green? The Role of Employee Perception of Green HRM System and its Impacts on Individual Attitudes. The 10th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, November 2017.
Van Noy, M., Edwards, R., Haviland, S., McKay, H., Vinton, J., Dennis, P. (2017) “New Jersey Health Professions Pathways to Regional Excellence Project TAACCCT Evaluation: Interim Report, Implementation and Early Outcomes.” Education and Employment Research Center, School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University
Vinton, J. (2020). Principals as Middle Managers and a Middle-Out Approach to Labor-Management Partnership in Education. International Labour Process Conference, Newcastle, UK.
Vinton, J. (2019) Partnership in Education: The Crucial Role of Principals as Middle Managers. Paper presented at the Labor and Employment Relations Association Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Vinton, J., Van Noy, M., Haviland, S., Blondin, J. (2020) “TAACCCT as a Facilitator in Organizational Change: Clark State’s Advanced Manufacturing Program Reforms” In New Directions for Community Colleges. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 17-26
Vinton, J. (2019) The Crucial Role of Principals as Middle Managers. Paper presented at the Industry Studies Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
Zhou, Y., Fan, X., & Son, J. (2019). How and when matter: Exploring the interaction effects of high-performance work systems, employee participation, and human capital on organizational innovation. Human Resource Management, 58(3), 253-268. (*indicates joint 1st authorship)
Zhou, Y., Zhao, W., & Fan, X. (2019). Going on or going home? The impact of new venture creation progress on work-to-family conflict: A mediated moderation model. Management Decision, 58(6), 1210-1236.
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Jessica R. Methot
Ph.D. Program Director
Danielle Vroom
Senior Program Coordinator