The Curriculum Library for Employee Ownership (CLEO) is the world’s only online library dedicated to employee share ownership, a business model that can reduce wealth inequality and strengthen company resilience. CLEO features more than 600 resources designed to help college professors teach about employee share ownership in their classes. It is also a valuable resource for company leaders, practitioners, researchers, and the public.
CLEO includes:
- Links to more than 100 case studies of employee-owned companies
- Links to more than 100 academic journal articles
- Recent policy and issue reports
- Films and videos
- A new “Employee Ownership Speakers Bureau” of CEOs and experts available to speak to college and university classes.
The home page features curated “CLEO Collections” of easy-to-access resources, including “Free Case Studies” and “New Policy Reports.”
New on Coursera
Our Share: Employee Ownership as a Wealth Sharing Tool
In early January 2023, the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing launched its first online course on the Coursera platform.
Our Share: Employee Ownership as a Wealth Sharing Tool explores employee ownership through dozens of short engaging videos. Students learn what employee ownership means, how it differs from traditional business ownership models, and the forms that it can take. Students also learn what the research shows about how employee ownership can share wealth and profits with employees—while making businesses more productive. The course introduces the founders of two employee-owned companies, who explain why they made their companies employee-owned and the steps involved in the process. The course is available entirely for free.
> Explore the course and enroll
Recent Content
- Employee-Owned Firms in the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Majority-Owned ESOP & Other Companies Have Responded to the Covid-19 Health and Economic Crises / October 2020 / Policy and Issue Report
- Teaching Employee Share Ownership / August 2020 / Video
- Interviews with Leading Researchers / January 2020 / Video
What Users Say:
“Easy to navigate.” “Great case study collection.” “Free case studies.”
“I am just so excited about this invaluable resource being made available.”
“Looks to be a major resource, unparalleled in the U.S.”
Introducing CLEO-the Rutgers Online Employee Ownership Library: What Business Owners Can Learn
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Joseph Blasi
Executive Director
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Associate Director
Bill Castellano
Associate Director
Adria Scharf
Associate Director
Director of Education and Collaborations
Christopher Michael
Senior Director