Search the documents below for current job and internship opportunities that have been sent to the SMLR Career Services Office for distribution along with a selection of open positions curated twice a week by the SMLR Career Services team. For additional job opportunities for SMLR students and alumni, please login to Handshake.
Forbes has ranked Rutgers #1 in NJ for best large employers. Picture yourself working here and apply to jobs at Rutgers via this link! There are various roles you can apply to with transferrable skills with your HR/Labor degree. You can also search for jobs within either Rutgers University Human Resources or the Office of University Labor Relations.
If you are an employer and would like to submit a listing for distribution and posting on this page, please email smlrcareerservices@smlr.rutgers.edu.
Contact Us
- Make an appointment via Rutgers Handshake
- Email us
- If you are an employer or have a specific career inquiry, contact a member of our staff directly