David Ellerman, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, continues his 40 years of research and writing on the theoretical foundations of workplace democracy. Since people of different persuasions approach the topic from their own angle, he has also emphasized a multi-disciplinary and multi-perspective approach to broaden the reach and understanding of employee ownership and workplace democracy through a series of books and published papers available on his web site.
Richard Freeman, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, is studying the economics of employee ownership and profit sharing. He is the Herbert Ascherman Professor of Economics at Harvard University and currently serving as the Faculty co-Director of the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard Law School. He directs the National Bureau of Economic Research / Sloan Science Engineering Workforce Projects, and is Senior Research Fellow in Labour Markets at the London School of Economics' Centre for Economic Performance.
Derek Jones, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, is doing econometric analyses of worker cooperatives and worker ownership. He is the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor in economics at Hamilton College and serves as the Research Director in Economics for the Mondragon Cooperative Academic Community, Mondragon University.
Andrew Pendleton, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, explores governance and employee participation in corporations with employee ownership and the characteristics, determinants, and effects of broad-based stock plans. He is a professor of human resource management at the University of York Management School.
Erik Poutsma, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, is studying the relationship between financial performance plans and financial performance and the role of human resource management practicesin financial performance plans. He is an Associate Professor of Labor Relations in the Department of Business Administration at the Radboud University Nijmegan School of Management and the principal researcher and author of the European Union’s PEPPER II Report (Promotion of Employee Participation in Profit and Enterprise Results.
Corey Rosen, a Faculty Fellow and Mentor, is working on research on closely-held firms in the United States with broad-based employee ownership. He is the co-founder and former Executive Director of the National Center for Employee Ownership. A former Senate staff member for many years, Rosen received his Ph.D. in political science from Cornell University in 1973, after which he taught politics at Ripon College in Wisconsin before being named an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow in 1975.