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The Rutgers Research Fellows include senior faculty and experts from other universities and institutions who attend the annual symposia and workshops of the fellowship program and are involved as Faculty Mentors for individual fellows or groups of fellows. Other Rutgers Research Fellows receive small research grants to begin their work in the field or are visitors from other universities in the United States or from other countries who are in residence at SMLR during their sabbatical or are collaborating with members of the SMLR faculty or the fellows programs on research. The research grants for the small fellowships come from the Employee Ownership Foundation, the Foundation for Enterprise Development, and the National Center for Employee Ownership. These grants provide support to Ph.D. students who are initiating or completing a thesis and postdoctoral scholars conducting research and allow them to attend workshops and conferences with the other fellows.

The fellows may be supported at their home institution or may be in residence at Rutgers University with the period and length of residency varying between July 1 and June 30 of the academic year. Typically, visitors on sabbatical or international scholars at Rutgers are supported by their home institution or other research grants outside of the fellowship program.